Sunday 5 June 2011

Best jokes ever! ;) haha

1. Two guys were in a car stopped at a red light. The light finally turned green, but the driver didn't notice.
The passenger said, "Er, it's green."
After a moment, the driver responded, "A frog?"

2. What's green and jumps?
A frog!! (groan!)

What's green and red?

A very mad frog.

What's green with red spots?

A frog with the chicken pox!

What's green with bumps?

A frog with the measles!

What's black and white and green?

A frog sitting on a newspaper.

What's green and dangerous?

A frog with a hand-grenade.

What's white on the outside, and green on the inside?

A frog sandwich!
3. A computer programmer happens across a frog in the road. The frog pipes up, "I'm really a beautiful princess and if you kiss me, I'll hang out with you for a week". The programmer shrugs his shoulders and puts the frog in his pocket.
A few minutes later, the frog says "OK, OK, if you kiss me, I'll be your girlfriend for a week". The programmer nods and puts the frog back in his pocket.
A few minutes later, "Turn me back into a princess and I'll be your girlfriend for a whole year!". The programmer smiles and walks on.
Finally, the frog says, "What's wrong with you? I've promised lots of fun with a beautiful princess for a whole year and you won't even kiss a frog?"
"I'm a programmer," he replies. "I don't have time for girls.... But a talking frog is pretty neat."

4. Baby Frog: Mama, who is smarter- a chicken or a frog?
Mama Frog: We are of course!!
Baby Frog: How do you know?
Mama Frog: Well, who ever heard of Kentucky Fried Frog?


Top ten signs you might be a frog.

  • You get mad when you don't find a fly in your soup

  • You buy out the supply of wart removal cream in your drugstore constantly

  • French chefs are eyeing your legs and appear to be following you

  • Bug lamps appear to you as a curse

  • On applications, you list 'Pond' as your home address

  • Kermit is your idol

  • You get mad whenever Miss Piggy makes a pass at Kermit

  • Have seen the movie 'The Fly' at least ten times

  • You live in fear that someday you will wind up in a child's aquarium

  • France is the evil empire to you

  • 6. Two frogs were crossing the street:
    First frog: "Hey, Look out!!! CAR!" ***squash!!***
    Second frog: "Which car?" ***squash!!***

    Well weren't they great jokes. :D

    Sunday 29 May 2011

    Interesting/funny/weird looking frogs =)

    Here are some unusual, weird and interesting looking frogs. J
    Hairy frog
    I must say this frog is pretty ugly.  
    The hair on this frog isn’t the only unusual thing about it. It also has extendable claws. The frog actively breaks its own bones to produce claws that puncture their way out of its toe pads when it is threatened.
    Abah River flying frog
    This frog possessing expanded webs of the feet is able to move to fall in a controlled fashion to avoid predation or move about. They can adjust the impact and controll the direction of their fall.

     Malayan horned frog
    Whats that grumpy look for.
    The Malayan horned frog has remarkable camouflage; its colour and form mimicking the leaf litter to be found on the forest floor. Unless the frog moves to snatch some unwary prey, it is unlickely to be seen.

    Surinam toad
    I know this is a toad, but i thought i would show you it anyway because it is quite interesting
    I know! Its so gross.
    I bet your wondering what those things are on her back are. Well infact they are eggs. The females create a honey comb chamber that the eggs sit in. They remain on their back until fully metamorphosed (12 to 20 weeks), then push out through the membranes covering the pockets.Watch this to see how it is done.

    Turtle frog

    Pretty funny frog!

    Surinam horned frog
    They don't look very happy.

    Budgett's frog
    It's like one big fat blob. Looks so happy. =D

    Sumaco horned tree frog

    Looks pretty sharp.

    Nicaragua giant glass frog

    The frog appears this because it kind of glows when light is on it.
    It's amazing!


    YUM, YUM, YUM!! Shall we add some to our pasta. ;)


    Saturday 28 May 2011

    Water-holding frog

    Okay, so we think that frogs are just tropical, swampy animals right? Well in fact there are desert frogs! =O I know, it's INSANE!! i mean where do they get the water from? How about we find out by learning about the Water-holding frog.
    This frog looks just how it is in the picture. It is very small, grows up to 2 1\2 inches. Water-holding frogs have special adaptations that allow them to live in the desert. They burrow into the soil to protect themselves from the heat and to avoid dehydration. When underground they form an external, almost waterproof cocoon, by accumulating sloughed skin that is normally eaten and reduce their energy use enormously. The cocoon reduces water loss to rates comparable to surface dwelling lizards! These frogs spend most of the year underground and are usually only seen or heard after heavy rains. Water-holding frogs absorb large quantities of water through their skin and store it in their tissues and particularly in the bladder where it can be reabsorbed later.
    Well isn’t that fascinating. J


    Friday 27 May 2011

    WELCOME!! Again to my blog. =D
    First up I think we shall learn what a frog is, i mean after all it is a frog blog.

    Frogs are members of the zoological class called Amphibia. Amphibians are cold blooded vertebrate animals. You may think they are reptiles because they are cold blooded, but of course they’re not. Amphibians are both land and water animals and have permeable skin.
    Life Cycle

    Interesting facts
    • A group of frogs is called an 'army'.
    • Frogs don't drink water they absorb it through their skin.
    • Frogs bones form a ring when the frog is hibernating, just like trees do. Scientists can use these rings to figure out the age of a frog.
    • Frogs hibernate in winter.
    • Frogs can lay as many as 4000 eggs, how ever only a small proportion will survive to adulthood.
    • Because frogs come out in the rain, people used to think that they fell to earth in the rain!
    • Many of the most brightly coloured tropical frogs are coloured in this way to warn predators that they are poisonous.
    • Sorry a frog won't turn into a prince, no matter how many times you kiss him!

    Friday 20 May 2011

    Welcome everyone to my frog blog. J
    Here with me, you can discover fascinating things about frogs.